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Showing posts from July, 2020

'Woman' what does it mean?

    Artist: Elen Winata 'Woman' what does it mean?  When people called me a woman I used to feel extremely uncomfortable; being refered to as a girl,  lady  or female I was fine with, but the idea of a woman always had a foreign feeling in my gut and settled on my shoulders like a heavy scarf of inadequacy and  unfulfilment. Because a woman was certain things which I was not and I was certain did not characterize me; Nurturing Kind  Gentle  Careful  Modest  Humble    These are a few words I thought defined a 'woman'  While growing up, I associated them with 'women' but not with women I knew; they were the depictions written in obituaries and on birthday pamphlets, in biography's and book summaries however, these were not the significant line of reasoning I linked with the 'women' I knew.  This assemblage shaped the pillar of my knowledge of who a woman was, what she  ought to be  like and what she should aspire  to be . Good thing I was a